Hi, I’m Dia, and this is my writing website! I’ll mostly be posting random scene ideas in here, and occasionally some full stories. Right now, I’m working on a vampire novel, so I’ll definitely be posting a few scenes from it. I don’t know how often I’ll post (since I’m just starting LMAO), but I’ll figure that out later. Also- I’m sorry if my website is a little confusing, and some of the tabs don’t do anything- I’m still trying to edit it and see what works. It isn’t very well-organized right now- but I promise it will be very soon haha!
Now, for my first post, I guess I should do something special, or write something totally life-changing, but unfortunately life-changing writing takes a lot more time than I thought. So, for my first post, I’m just going to put the beginning of an unfinished story that I wrote, so you can get a feel for my writing, and my style. Ok? Ok. Enjoy!
P.S. I’m sorry for any possible misuses of semicolons, because I know those will be there. Or any grammar issues at all for that matter. Don’t worry, I’ll learn eventually.
The Stonebrook High Writing Club
We were all essentially the same person, if that makes any sense. It wasn’t unusual, the lack of individuality, because that was how Stonebrook High’s writing club ran. Our individuality didn’t show up so much on the outside; it instead showed in our writing. Outside we all had the same introverted, circle-rim glasses, stereotypical persona of a writer. But when it comes to writing, we were all so incredibly different.
We always met on Thursdays, right at 3, after school, in Ms. Nelson’s 9th grade biology classroom. We weren’t a very big group, mostly made up of just 7 people. Occasionally, another one of those college-obsessed, A-list blondes would come around to find yet another extra curricular to add onto their acceptance letters. Mike Wellsworth was the only one of them who actually stayed in our group. We all worshipped Mike- looked up to him. And how could we not? He was perfect in every way. Tall, good-looking, smart, funny, kind, popular- the list goes on. Of course we all know the trope: everyone faces their own battles and crap, but we still couldn’t help but long to be him. Of course, as you should expect, not everyone loved him in our group. Some hated him, saying his bubbly, chattery personality was all fake, and disrupted the silence we came for. Either way, whether someone loved him or hated him, we were almost all obsessed with him to some degree. You see, it said ‘almost all’, because Mia is an interesting little brat.
She acted like he didn’t even exist. We didn’t know if this is some clever way to get his attention, or maybe she really was just plain dumb. But aside from that, she was confusing, and weirdly different. Not the type of weird you see in main characters in coming of age movies. The actual weird. Like- putting stamps on her face kinda weird. Yeah, really. We were definitely not a fan of this. No matter how unique and amazing and tragic we made our stories’ characters, the Stonebrook High Writing Club did not appreciate the story esque strangeness leaking into the real world- our world. Our world was to be strictly normal, and any adventures to be made were trapped into our stories. And if we were being completely honest- sometimes our stories lacked adventure too. Anyway whatever Mia’s intentions were, it really was getting Wellsworth’s attention. And obviously, we weren’t a fan of this either.
Sorry that was pretty short, but hopefully that gave you a good idea of my style. In this, I was trying to experiment with a ‘we’ point of view. Anyway have a great day or night, and I will probably be posting again pretty soon. Ooh, the next post might be a scene from my vampire story :0 ? Ok anyway, I’ll post later, byebye!
🧡 Dia